SPAS celebrates 

Chinese New Year 

Chinese New Year marks the start of the lunar year and is the most celebrated holiday of the Chinese. It is also known as Spring Festival 春節. Each year in the Chinese calendar is represented by one of the twelve (12) animals in the Chinese Zodiac 十二生肖, with 2023 being the Year of the Rabbit兔. Festivities last for 15 days closing with the Lantern Festival元宵節.With students physically back in school this academic year, SPAS held a two-week long celebration of 2023 Chinese New Year with Chinese Mandarin Mass 中文彌撒, Song and Dance Performances 歌舞表演, Poem Recitation 詩歌朗誦, Bazaars 義賣活動, Arts and Exhibits 手工藝術展覽. This is for the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical formation of our learners; for them to be well-rounded individuals.As the whole SPAS community joyfully participated in the Chinese New Year celebrations, let us wish each and every one a Blessed and Peaceful Year of the Rabbit 福兔迎祥,兔年如意!