A Sacred Journey: Peterians Embrace First Confession and First Communion

First Confession and First Communion mark a significant step in the spiritual journey of every Catholic, fostering a deeper connection with God and the whole Church.
Before receiving the Holy Eucharist for the first time, the 3rd grade students had their first confession - a moment of reflection and penitence guided by priests and their CLEd teachers. The sacrament of reconciliation instills to the faithful the values of accountability and humility, as well as a strong moral compass.
After thorough preparation, the students had their First Communion Rites. Rev. Fr. Jomar J. Burgos, LRMS, our parish priest, presided over the Eucharistic Celebration last December 9, 2023 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 
The First Communion is a joyous occasion, deepening and initiating the 3rd grade students to the Catholic faith through the acceptance of the Body and Blood of Christ. Through their CLEd classes, learners deepen their connection with the Church and the teachings of Jesus. Families also play a crucial role in supporting their children through prayer and guidance during these sacraments. This sacred journey shapes the foundation of faith for these young individuals.